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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reactions About Chris Brown Losing It On The Set Of ABC's Good Morning America

I think what Robin Roberts did was messed up by adding the situation that Rihanna and Chris Brown went through In the interview. We all know the questions were probably pre-approved before having the interview to prevent similar situations like what caused Chris Brown's rage from happening. It could've happened on T.V. but good thing he kept his composure at least in tell the interview was over to let off steam, because this happened I definitely think people are definitely out for Chris Brown to try to kill his career. Ms. Roberts basically took advantage of this interview to talk about things that are negative and not something people want to re live and think about especially Chris Brown and Rihanna.

Is Amber Rose 5 Months Pregnant?

I don't know If It's true but since the last time rumours about Amber Rose being pregnant by fabolous circulated, alot of people are talking about her weight based on a photo that has been passed around. So I'm thinking could she be 5 months pregnans because the rumours about her being pregnant by fabolous was about 5 months ago, could this rumour be true we'll see.

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