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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Will Beyonce's Album Entitled 4 Fail?

So, basically people are not sold by Beyonce's new music for her album entitled 4. Beyonce record label also is unsure whether Beyonce's music will sell as well as her previous albums, so they ask her to record new music and Beyonce declines. I understand why she did I would probably do the same or find some way of incorporating my music and record new music. I think the reason Beyonce declines, which is probably obvious, because she recorded a little over 70 songs for this new album and probably worked her azz off, to find that her record label is telling her to record new music. Now, since this is Beyonce she is not just a solo music artist, she is a business woman. When your in a business and your trying to maintain your empire and keep it running successfully you have to take some criticism, ideas as well as advice and take it in to consideration. Although I understand why Beyonce declined, I think she should push back the album, do a two disk album one disk containing music we're use to like the upbeat dancing records and the second album containing her slow tracks and put it out just before the new years for 2012. So that people are listening to her music during the new years and it shows Beyonce growth during the years of recording this album. I also think the album is coming out really too fast but anyways whatever it's Beyonce decides. The only thing is that everything seems "set in stone" so I don't know if she does change her mind, if it's even possible to stop the process of the album release. The album tracks that I listened to, I liked. The slow tracks sound good it may not be what you're use to but it's pretty good, nice sounding tracks. I'm sure that, just because Beyonce doesn't come out with a dance record this time it's not the end of the world and people should give it a try and listen if you haven't, there's some tracks on her official website for those who haven't heard the whole album, when it was leaked. As far as the success of this album. I feel that if Beyonce and her record label puts out singles and videos to the RIGHT songs, that this album should do well but we'll see on June. 28, 2011 the release of Beyonce new album entitled 4.

Official Beyonce website 

Singles I Think Should Come Out Prior To -Who Run The World [Girls]-
(Order Is based on the songs I heard first)

1. Best Thing I Never Had
2. I Miss You
3. I Care
5. Countdown
6. Start Over