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Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Controversy Behind Jennifer Love Hewitt’s T.V. Series The Client List

Missed The First Episode? Watch It Now ---->

The Controversy behind Jennifer Love Hewitt’s T.V. Series "The Client List" is ridiculous. People are trying to prevent The Client List, which is a T.V. series premiering April, 8. 2012 from airing because they think it misrepresents therapist. I think people are taking it to serious, this show is just for entertainment, just to enjoy and people are taking it as if it is a personal attack, like there are being accused of something, like this is a scandal, or maybe you do it, who knows. I just feel like why are you so defensive about a T.V. series that is out for entertainment. In realty things like this do happen and everybody hears about it and regardless if there is a show out or not that is themed around this situation people will still have a certain view about something. Think, Stereotypes for example, that is just how it is you know how many black people misrepresents us on a daily basis, if you experience it and or hear about it you going to have your views, thoughts, and or opinions about it regardless even if people did put out a T.V. series out about stereotypes and they do. I think people just need to get find something better to do with your time. If you do not agree about what the "T.V. Show" is themed off of? Why not do something real? Why not try to stop prostitution in professional therapist settings? Help weed out the inappropriate offices that do that. I honestly do not even think that is necessary because, If you work in this line of work, as a therapist. You should not even worry about it, your customers are important, they are the ones; for the most part weed out the inappropriate offices because without them, we would never know about prostitution offices that are covered up to be a professional offices for therapy. So people need to stop and think. Some people are just too impulsive and self-centered and think everything is about them and it is not, THINK!