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Friday, June 15, 2012

(Yvette Wilson) Andell Wilkerson From The Parkers Passed Away

Yvette Wilson best known for her role as Andell Wilkerson on both successful sitcoms "Moesha" and "The Parkers" passed away battling cervical cancer and kidney disease. I definitely wanted to pay my respects to her, love that women.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg Do Not Show Up To "The View" For Race Reasons (Find Out Why?)

I do not watch "The View" but my sister does and occasionally I will watch it. Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg the two only hosts of African American decent do not show up to "The View", without an explanation and that is very unusual because they always tell you why a host does not show up. So my take on this is that Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd did not want to show up because of Paula Deen. For those who do not know Paula Deen has a pending lawsuit against her by a former manager Ms. Jackson. She said that Paula Deen would use the N word and also stated that Paula Deen is well aware of the racial slurs made at employees by her brother but she did not talk to her brother or stop it when Ms. Jackson would make several complaints. Of course Paula Deen denies these statements and her lawyer of course defines these as "allegations" I just feel like whether it is true or not Paula Deen will lie because we all know she does not want to lose everything she has going for herself. I feel like Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg could not be there to put a fake smile on and ask questions. Obviously it would be an uncomfortable interview with lots of anger and unanswered questions about whether Paula Deen is being truthful or not. So, that is why I think Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg did not show up.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Will Smith Smacks A Reporter At A Men & Black III Premiere

Will Smith smacks a reporter, now in my opinion I think he tried to act like he did not like that kiss LOL, because there has been speculation about Will Smith being "GAY" or "Bisexual" for years. So, I think he did that to deflect the thoughts of the public. In my opinion it really did not dissuade me at all. Anyways, I thought it was messed up that he smacked him. I doubt he is gay many foreign people greet people differently and it is not intended in that way.

(Check It Out)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Controversy Behind Jennifer Love Hewitt’s T.V. Series The Client List

Missed The First Episode? Watch It Now ---->

The Controversy behind Jennifer Love Hewitt’s T.V. Series "The Client List" is ridiculous. People are trying to prevent The Client List, which is a T.V. series premiering April, 8. 2012 from airing because they think it misrepresents therapist. I think people are taking it to serious, this show is just for entertainment, just to enjoy and people are taking it as if it is a personal attack, like there are being accused of something, like this is a scandal, or maybe you do it, who knows. I just feel like why are you so defensive about a T.V. series that is out for entertainment. In realty things like this do happen and everybody hears about it and regardless if there is a show out or not that is themed around this situation people will still have a certain view about something. Think, Stereotypes for example, that is just how it is you know how many black people misrepresents us on a daily basis, if you experience it and or hear about it you going to have your views, thoughts, and or opinions about it regardless even if people did put out a T.V. series out about stereotypes and they do. I think people just need to get find something better to do with your time. If you do not agree about what the "T.V. Show" is themed off of? Why not do something real? Why not try to stop prostitution in professional therapist settings? Help weed out the inappropriate offices that do that. I honestly do not even think that is necessary because, If you work in this line of work, as a therapist. You should not even worry about it, your customers are important, they are the ones; for the most part weed out the inappropriate offices because without them, we would never know about prostitution offices that are covered up to be a professional offices for therapy. So people need to stop and think. Some people are just too impulsive and self-centered and think everything is about them and it is not, THINK!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nicki Minaj's New Album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded A Disappointment

I am a huge fan of Nicki Minaj I love her, but I have to say I was disappointed about this album Nicki Minaj did. Nicki went from making really impressive music from her mix tapes to her first album, but in my opinion it is going downhill from when she created her second album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, from the cover to majority of the music in the album I'd have to say is her worst work. The cover looked very unprofessional, and most importantly the music on the album for those who've listened, knows majority of the album is some form of pop and it seemed like she had no real guidance or direction for this album it just looked like she just threw songs on to the album and I am pretty confident that she did not get opinions of the music before finalizing it for the album. I feel like Nicki Minaj needs to find herself and define herself as an artist; are you a pop star? Are you a rapper? I feel like don't define yourself as a rapper. If you are only going to add like 2 or 3 songs that are barely hip hop and have an album that are mainly pop. Do not define yourself as a rapper and just be a pop singer. I am a fan I know that she likes pop music but what angers me is that; I was expecting a balance between her mix tapes and first album with hip hop, R&B, and a LITTLE POP, but Nicki Minaj did a one 180. I am not saying every song on the albums is terrible, there were some decent songs. Even some decent pop songs but I felt like Nicki Minaj could have done better songs, and wish she did more hip hop but it is what it is.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is Bobbi Kristina Brown's Naive Mind Going To Cause Her To Lose Everything?

I think what Bobbi Kristina Brown's naive mind will cost her everything her mother, Whitney Houston worked for, if the rumors are true. I know it is a broken record hearing that Bobbi Kristina Brown is not exhibiting proper behavior by having a relationship with her "brother" but it is true that it is inappropriate regardless of if they are related because they went from living like brother and sister for years to having a relationship beyond brother and sister and more like girlfriend and boyfriend to what is rumored to be marriage soon. What I'm thinking is Bobbi Kristina Brown don't do it, it is not a wise choice. Why now does this guy want a relationship or marriage after your mother passed away; if the love was that strong it wouldn't matter what Whitney Houston would have said. No disrespect to Whitney but yes why not propose to her and keep it secret then, While Whitney Houston is alive but nooo, he wants to have a relationship with Bobbi Kristina Brown after her "mother" Whitney Houston passes and proposes to Bobbi Kristina Brown after inheriting millions of dollars that he could easily leech off her till it is finish and move on. This is just my opinion because when people hear about money they all of a sudden notice you and want to cling to you and I think that is what Bobbi Kristina Brown is going through. I just hope her family gets to her and warns her about this; so she does not get in to a situation where all or majority of her inheritance is gone and given to people who are after her inheritance. In my opinion, Bobbi should be in a complete non-trust mode and only focus on herself and her future because you never know who could be after her money.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who I Think Should Play Whitney Houston Biopic

I've been thinking about this Whitney Houston biopic that Clive Davis is finishing up, to get it ready to cast auditions and record. I thought that Paula Patton would be great at portraying Whitney Houston I think they look alike. As far as the other people I heard that is being considered for the role such as Jordan Sparks, Willow Smith, Meagan Good, Brandy, and Rihanna. For one, Jordan Sparks looks nothing like Whitney or neither does she remind me of Whitney, so if she is being considered I don't know why? I have nothing against her just saying. Willow Smith that kind of makes sense, I think she would do well playing a young Whitney Houston in the biopic. As for Meagan Good she beautiful and she does have decent acting skills but she would be the last person in my mind that I would think to play Whitney Houston, she looks nothing like her as well as Rihanna and Brandy but as least for Brandy she knew her, they did a movie so, I would be confident that she would definitely remind me of Whitney. See where I am coming from, I feel like if you are going to do a biopic, have someone that looks or has a look that reminds you of the person. As well the attitude, and or personality that reminds you of the person; that is what I would look for in an ideal actor or actress for a biopic. Angela Bassett was the only actress I could think of that has done a biopic and not look like that actress she is portraying but does a phenomenal job at portraying the character and the difference with her and some of the actresses they considered for Whitney Houston’s biopic, is that she is a phenomenal actress and although she does not look like Tina Turner whom she portrayed, did a great job in her performance. If they cannot find an actress that looks and acts like Whitney; get an actress that can play her so well that the look would not matter too much, and if I were to choose an actress that fits that idea it would be Brandy. So, in my opinion Paula Patton or Brandy Norwood should play the role of Whitney Houston. I would also like to add that since Clive Davis had a very close relationship with Whitney. I am sure he will choose the right actress.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitey Houston Found Dead

Whitney Houston was found dead in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. An investigation is now underway, causes of death is not yet determined. I honestly do think her death is suspicious, it could be accidental, but who knows. All I know is that I refuse to believe that Whitney Houston committed suicide. I would believe it was a murder before I believe that. Anyways, thank god that the movie Sparkle that Whitney Houston is starring in as Emma is recorded. This will be the last work from Whitney Houston, so definitely stay up to date with that movie release. I believe it is in the editing phase and probably will be released by the end of this year.

Update - 3/22/2012

Whitney Houston's cause of death was an accident, which I knew it had to be because I knew Whitney Houston would not ever commit suicide. Whitney drowned and the coroner's officials said heart disease and cocaine was a contributing factor.

Check Out My Whitney Houston Tribute Video Below Or Link


Friday, February 10, 2012

Beyonce & Jay-z Finally Reveal Photos Of Their Baby Girl (Check Them Out)

Blue Ivy Carter Photos (Check Them Out)

Calling All Unknown Producers, or Beyonce Fans

Beyonce holds a contest which in my opinion will be difficult, but it is your chance as a fan, producer whatever you do to create a remix to "end of time" and have a chance to have it on Beyonce's upcoming album and win a measly 4,000 daaaanggg dats ALOT OF MOTHA FREAKIN MONEY!! RIGHHT, FROM A MILLIONAIRE>??!! WOW LOL, But yeah if you want more info checkout the link below; there are already submissions so get it poppin.

Here's The Link For More Info:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ashanti's Hit New Lead Single Released [Dec 15, 2011]

Check Out Ashanti's New Single If You Haven't Already. I Happen To Love It; It's A Hit To Me.

Lyrics Under The Video:

Ashanti - The Woman You Love/ Featuring Busta Rhmyes

Ashanti, we miss you baby busa busa, ha ha ha ha!

But what about my pride

You’re never satisfied

You make me feel like I wasn’t worth being by your side

A lot of sacrifice

Holding my damn pride

Giving you all mine

You see me dying inside


Trying to see, trying to find, trying to be

The woman you love

Tried everything, but it just don’t seem like it’s enough

Babe trying to believe, but I’m tired of being tired

Trying to love, trying to fight

And I’m running out of tries

You’re just no good

But with everything I gave

And all of the love we made

It never should’ve took place

I gave you my heart and you betrayed and I know

Should’ve let you go

Cause I’m back where I was before



Trying to see, trying to find, trying to be

The woman you love

Tried everything, but it just don’t seem like it’s enough

Babe trying to believe, but I’m tired of being tired

Trying to love, trying to fight

And I’m running out of tries

You’re just no good

Busta Rhymes

Uh uh uh

Look, I know you ride with the moves I be making

When we go through trials and tribulations

It don’t matter how difficult it’ll it get

I love you regardless of the situation

I see you draw the line all in the sand

You aint gotta leave me hold my hand

every time I get up and I think about the way you be feeling on my fingers, damn

I know the times I really hurt you and I stress you out and really get you fed up

I aint never, never gonna let up unless it make you happy for me to shut up

But I aint shuttin up cause I really wanna give it to you

I can’t replace the feelin when we get up with each other and I aint tryin to lose you

Now what do you expect me to do

Let’s take a trip and go to Honolulu

Maybe we could spend some time together and try to make it better girl, I choose you

But if you aint ready then we are really done and I expect it maybe imma go

But baby once I walk out the door I aint never coming back baby hell no!


Trying to see, trying to find, trying to be

The woman you love

Tried everything, but it just don’t seem like it’s enough

Babe trying to believe, but I’m tired of being tired

Trying to love, trying to fight

And I’m running out of tries
You’re just no good