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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nicki Minaj's New Album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded A Disappointment

I am a huge fan of Nicki Minaj I love her, but I have to say I was disappointed about this album Nicki Minaj did. Nicki went from making really impressive music from her mix tapes to her first album, but in my opinion it is going downhill from when she created her second album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, from the cover to majority of the music in the album I'd have to say is her worst work. The cover looked very unprofessional, and most importantly the music on the album for those who've listened, knows majority of the album is some form of pop and it seemed like she had no real guidance or direction for this album it just looked like she just threw songs on to the album and I am pretty confident that she did not get opinions of the music before finalizing it for the album. I feel like Nicki Minaj needs to find herself and define herself as an artist; are you a pop star? Are you a rapper? I feel like don't define yourself as a rapper. If you are only going to add like 2 or 3 songs that are barely hip hop and have an album that are mainly pop. Do not define yourself as a rapper and just be a pop singer. I am a fan I know that she likes pop music but what angers me is that; I was expecting a balance between her mix tapes and first album with hip hop, R&B, and a LITTLE POP, but Nicki Minaj did a one 180. I am not saying every song on the albums is terrible, there were some decent songs. Even some decent pop songs but I felt like Nicki Minaj could have done better songs, and wish she did more hip hop but it is what it is.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is Bobbi Kristina Brown's Naive Mind Going To Cause Her To Lose Everything?

I think what Bobbi Kristina Brown's naive mind will cost her everything her mother, Whitney Houston worked for, if the rumors are true. I know it is a broken record hearing that Bobbi Kristina Brown is not exhibiting proper behavior by having a relationship with her "brother" but it is true that it is inappropriate regardless of if they are related because they went from living like brother and sister for years to having a relationship beyond brother and sister and more like girlfriend and boyfriend to what is rumored to be marriage soon. What I'm thinking is Bobbi Kristina Brown don't do it, it is not a wise choice. Why now does this guy want a relationship or marriage after your mother passed away; if the love was that strong it wouldn't matter what Whitney Houston would have said. No disrespect to Whitney but yes why not propose to her and keep it secret then, While Whitney Houston is alive but nooo, he wants to have a relationship with Bobbi Kristina Brown after her "mother" Whitney Houston passes and proposes to Bobbi Kristina Brown after inheriting millions of dollars that he could easily leech off her till it is finish and move on. This is just my opinion because when people hear about money they all of a sudden notice you and want to cling to you and I think that is what Bobbi Kristina Brown is going through. I just hope her family gets to her and warns her about this; so she does not get in to a situation where all or majority of her inheritance is gone and given to people who are after her inheritance. In my opinion, Bobbi should be in a complete non-trust mode and only focus on herself and her future because you never know who could be after her money.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who I Think Should Play Whitney Houston Biopic

I've been thinking about this Whitney Houston biopic that Clive Davis is finishing up, to get it ready to cast auditions and record. I thought that Paula Patton would be great at portraying Whitney Houston I think they look alike. As far as the other people I heard that is being considered for the role such as Jordan Sparks, Willow Smith, Meagan Good, Brandy, and Rihanna. For one, Jordan Sparks looks nothing like Whitney or neither does she remind me of Whitney, so if she is being considered I don't know why? I have nothing against her just saying. Willow Smith that kind of makes sense, I think she would do well playing a young Whitney Houston in the biopic. As for Meagan Good she beautiful and she does have decent acting skills but she would be the last person in my mind that I would think to play Whitney Houston, she looks nothing like her as well as Rihanna and Brandy but as least for Brandy she knew her, they did a movie so, I would be confident that she would definitely remind me of Whitney. See where I am coming from, I feel like if you are going to do a biopic, have someone that looks or has a look that reminds you of the person. As well the attitude, and or personality that reminds you of the person; that is what I would look for in an ideal actor or actress for a biopic. Angela Bassett was the only actress I could think of that has done a biopic and not look like that actress she is portraying but does a phenomenal job at portraying the character and the difference with her and some of the actresses they considered for Whitney Houston’s biopic, is that she is a phenomenal actress and although she does not look like Tina Turner whom she portrayed, did a great job in her performance. If they cannot find an actress that looks and acts like Whitney; get an actress that can play her so well that the look would not matter too much, and if I were to choose an actress that fits that idea it would be Brandy. So, in my opinion Paula Patton or Brandy Norwood should play the role of Whitney Houston. I would also like to add that since Clive Davis had a very close relationship with Whitney. I am sure he will choose the right actress.